Airfix A01003 - Curtiss Hawk 81-A-2

Verwunderlich Airfix A01003 - Curtiss Hawk 81-A-2 das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

Curtis Hawk 1:72 Airfix Kit
The P40, in its various incarnations, served the United States Army Air Force throughout the Second World War fighting in Europe, across Asia and in the deserts of North Africa. The first model to see active service, the P40B proved to be an effective and tough low-level fighter able to withstand heavy enemy fire and bring its pilot home safely.
Speed: 350mph
Armament: 4 x .30cal Browning machine guns and 2 x .50cal Browning machine guns
Range: 730 miles


Warning! Not suitable for children under 36 months. Choking Hazard, contains small parts. Please retain these details for future reference.
Flying Hours
Number of Parts
Dimensions (mm)
L134.5 x W158

Airfix A01003 - Curtiss Hawk 81-A-2

  • Curtis Hawk 1/72 Airfix Kit

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