Italeri 510003845 - 1:24 Muldenkipper-Anhänger

Groß Italeri 510003845 - 1:24 Muldenkipper-Anhänger das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.

1/24 Dumper Trailer Italeri Kit
Skill: 4Model Dim.: 37 cmBox Dim.: 373 X 241 X 96 mm
This great three axis trailer has been developed for earth and building debris transportation within construction sights. Equipped with high resistant steel chasse, it is capable to support stress on unpaved working areas. Characterized by a large tipping bucket capable of several tons payload. This trailer has installed with an efficient braking system enabling to guarantee maximum safety during transportation. It is further has a bucket covering system to eliminate loss of material risks while moving.

Italeri 510003845 - 1:24 Muldenkipper-Anhänger

  • Maßstab 1:24
  • Länge von ca. 370 mm

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