Mattel Hot Wheels DWW95 - Track Builder Super-Stuntbox
Beste Mattel Hot Wheels DWW95 - Track Builder Super-Stuntbox das kannst du jetzt haben. Dieses produkt hat gute qualität und natürlich mit erschwinglichen preis können sie es haben.
Start building an epic world of Hot Wheels tracks or add on to an existing track set with new brick components to foster creativity and experimentation Re configure and customize with bricks and Track Pivot Points for nearly endless configurations This impressive kit is a great way to start your Track Builder collection Many of the items in this kit have more than one use so kids can keep their imaginations and their tracks growing with a series of nearly endless configurations Best of all the storage bin is also part of your stunt and can be used to stunt with bricks track and launcher or to hold all the components in the kit together for simple storage and easy portability The Track Builder Starter kit comes with pieces of orange track brick components a split loop ramps launcher with connection points and underneath two 90 degree track turns multiple connectors and much more Includes one Hot Wheels vehicle so the racing fun starts straight out of the box Enhance builds with household items like red cups Mega Bloks and paper tubes Not for use with some Hot Wheels vehicles Each sold separately subject to availability Colors and decorations may vary
- Dieses Set bildet den Grundstein für eine spektakuläre Welt aus Hot-Wheels-Tracks, ist aber auch als Ergänzung zu vorhandenen Tracksets geeignet
- Neuartige Bausteine, Track-Blöcke und -Drehpunkte fördern die Kreativität und Experimentierfreude und sorgen für individuelle und nahezu endlose Streckenlayouts
- Ab 4 Jahren